Box of 20 (6"x50)
Romeo y Julieta was one of the original Cuban cigars, beginning their legacy as a world famous brand. Utilizing a robust blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua’s fertile soils to produce a full-bodied and full-flavored profile, this one’s sure to delight. The wrapper is a dark and oily Nicaraguan leaf, which conceals a long-filler mixture of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos secured by a Nicaraguan binder. The flavor is rich and robust, with earthy undertones and a smooth tobacco aftertaste. Like many of the other Romeo y Julieta cigars before it, Reserve has received a well-deserved 90-rating, noting: “This cigar is rich in color and in flavor, as its toasty smoke becomes full of coffee bean notes and hickory character without being overpowering.”
Shape: Toro
Wrapper: Habano, Nicaraguan
Origin: Honduras
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Hoduran, Nicaraguan
Flavor: Full, Coffee Beans, Hickory Character