Capacity: (5 Packs of 10) (50 Total) (4"x25)
Davidoff Demi-Tasse cigars offer the same luxury experience as their full -sized counterparts in the form of a quick twenty- minute smoke. Fashioned in a stealthy 4 x 25-ring format, these decadent little jewels feature top quality long filler tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil and the Caribbean, rolled inside an Indonesian binder, and a smooth, silky Sumatran wrapper. Serious cigar connoisseurs on the go will savor a mellow smoke brimming with lush notes of cocoa, leather, cedar, caramel and hints of sweet spice.
Wrapper: EMS, Sumatra
Binder: Indonesian
Filler: Brazil, Indonesian
Origin: Dominican Republic
Flavor: Mild to Medium, Cocoa, Leather, Cedar, Caramel and Sweet Spice